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“It was a phenomenal experience to work with Michael. He has this CAN DO attitude and never gives up on his clients. He is very knowledgeable and makes the process smoother and not pushy at all. 他提出了正确的报价,赢得了信任,完成了交易. 谢谢Michael的帮助,很高兴在365app最近的采购中与你合作.”



“迈克尔 is very helpful and knowledgeable and works for his clients , 他帮我找了一处房产,我可以在短期内租赁,并在退休时长期居住.”



“总的来说,我不喜欢365app经纪人,在南佛罗里达找一个高质量的经纪人非常困难. Michael was professional, responsive, and committed to getting a deal complete. Michael is definitely someone I will use again and refer to friends.”



“At the time I decided to sell my unit I was in a different state. 我被介绍给迈克尔. 他非常专业, 但他的态度咄咄逼人,所以他很快就在我要求的时间内卖掉了我的产品. He provided me with updates on weekly basis. I would highly recommend him to anyone who is interested in selling or buying. 迈克尔,谢谢你所做的一切!”



“迈克尔 & 杰米很棒! 365app可能打破了场次的记录,但以合理的价格找到了合适的买家. I knew a lot of realtors in the area, but needed someone to be aggressive 有了365app的清单. Personal attention taken to really showcase the listing.”

歌曲 & 乔


“迈克尔 helped us buy and then sell our condo. He is honest, knowledgeable and a hard worker for his clients. 由于他的关系,365app能够买到一套365app认为不可能的房子 谈判技巧. When we were relocated and needed to sell, he worked hard and we sold at a price above what we had expected.”

卡尔 & 琼


365app住在旧金山湾区,一直梦想着在迈阿密买一套公寓. 迈克尔是365app的一个朋友介绍给365app的,365app很高兴能和他一起工作. 这是365app第一次买 a property in a different city and Michael helped us understand the process, answered all our questions with a smile. He has tremendous knowledge of the properties in downtown Miami and Brickell areas. 当365app在迈阿密的时候,他总是很乐意带365app看房子,并确保向365app解释房子的每一个细节. He exactly knew our requirements and would guide us at every step. 迈克尔很专业, respects the client’s needs and time, and highly knowledgeable; he is our go-to person for all our real estate and mortgage related questions. 谢谢你,Michael!!”



“我很高兴让Michael Light代理我的出租单位上市. 他不仅非常专业, 快, courteous and knowledgeable but also great with follow up and 可用性.”



“迈克尔对当地市场有丰富的了解,在365app购买迈阿密的公寓时起了很大的作用. 他帮365app租公寓,帮365app做当地的服务——在他身上365app有 迈阿密最优代理.”

艾德里安 & 桑德拉


“I met Michael Light through a mutual friend about 3 years ago. He earned my business right away by talking to me like a friend, not a salesman. 自从365app见面后,我委托迈克尔为我在布里克尔的几处房产做市场推广他的表现总是超出我的预期, 事实上, he sold my last property on Brickell Key for more than asking price. I even referred my close friend to Michael, whom he represented as a buyer at The Four Seasons Residences in Brickell. 我强烈推荐Michael的服务给任何想要购买或出售迈阿密365app的人.”

彼得罗 & 南希


“I purchased my first property through Michael Light in 2010. This came about because my son was starting law school in Miami, and I thought it would be a smart investment to purchase a Miami condo for him, 而不是付房租. Prior to my purchase at Marina Blue, 我对迈阿密的不同地区知之甚少,对迈阿密的365app市场就更不了解了. 迈克尔向我展示了他对迈阿密所有地区无可挑剔的了解,并带我去了迈阿密市中心. During the first year of ownership, 我看着房价飞涨,这让我更加确信迈克尔推荐迈阿密市中心是非常明智的. 正因为如此, 我决定在迈阿密市中心比斯坎湾900号买第二套迈阿密豪华公寓, again based on Michael’s recommendation. 我鼓励大家利用迈克尔的专业知识和对迈阿密365app市场的了解.”

瑞克 & 特里


“3年前,我在研究迈阿密365app市场时遇到了Michael,他的专业精神和诚实很快赢得了我的信任. In 2010, I purchased a Brickell condo based off of Michael’s recommendation, which has turned out to be a great investment. He didn’t sell me a condo based off of my budget; Michael found me a condo that best suited 我的投资 goals. 自从我购买, 迈克尔代表我租赁了我的公寓,甚至还为我处理了维护问题. 起初, 我对在加拿大这么远的地方有点紧张,但迈克尔只是一个电话的距离, I trust that my condo is being well taken care of. 我和迈克尔在一起很开心, 我的投资, 我继续回来, 我继续向迈克尔介绍有兴趣购买迈阿密公寓的朋友和同事的业务.”



“We are located in Norway and purchased a condo in Miami through Michael Light. Working with Michael has been a pleasure from day one. Since we did not have the chance to travel to Miami, we purely had to trust Michael´s advice using phone and email. Michael helped us find a Miami condo, which matched our criteria and then went to the condo to take a lot of pictures, which really helped us get an impression of how the condo looked. 365app最终在迈阿密市中心买了一套公寓,却没有飞到迈阿密去看,也没有亲自去见迈克尔.

As the process of purchasing a condo in the United States was completely new to us, 365app得找个365app经纪人, 哪一个是365app真正可以信任的, who kept promises and who knew the city of Miami well. 365app联系了几家365app经纪人,但迈克尔从一开始就脱颖而出. Many realtors did not respond to any of our emails or phone calls. This was not the case with Michael. 365app有很多问题, as this was the first time we bought property in Miami, 但迈克尔总是很快回复365app的电子邮件,总是愿意接听365app的电话. In those cases when he was in a meeting or with other clients, he always called or emailed back as soon as possible. Michael is also very knowledgeable about the property market in Miami. His good behavior and professionalism made it easy to trust in him.

We are more than happy with Michael´s services and the Miami condo we purchased. Should we decide to buy or sell property in Miami again, there is no doubt of whom we will choose as our realtor.”

罗宾 & 安妮塔


“迈克尔 totally understood what we were looking for and did not waste our time. He was very accommodating to our schedule and needs; we live in New York City and had very limited time to research and visit properties while in Miami. 365app还了解到,大多数365app经纪人周末不工作,但迈克尔尽一切努力为365app协调看房, 即使在星期天!

迈克尔对迈阿密的365app市场非常了解,在365app投资的时候,他给了365app很好的见解. 他还不辞劳苦地向365app介绍了迈阿密所有不同的社区,以帮助365app在选择购买地点时做出更明智的决定.

Michael’s assistance continued even after the closing of our condo. We purchased a unit at Paramount Bay and it was decorator ready. 既然365app在纽约, 365app没有机会监督扩建的各个方面,所以迈克尔多次去365app的新公寓,与365app的承包商会面,以确保一切按计划进行.

The overall experience of working with Michael was great. 我将继续把他的服务推荐给我认识的每一个有兴趣购买迈阿密365app的人.”

马克 & 雪莉







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